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Leaving for Awhile

Discussion in 'General' started by unhallowedangel, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Hey members of FWT,
    Some of you may know me as "Unhallowedangel". Some of you are new and i don't know you at all. But i have been working here at FWT for about a year and have enjoyed every last minute of it. I am not leaving forever, but i am going to attend a class this summer for Photoshope and Graphic Design. I attend the fullest on coming back and working free when i become more experianced. Thank you all!!!!

    PS: I will be back next year and a few times during the summmer!!!

    Email: gmvamps@yahoo.com
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Good luck Angel, I hope you find the find course useful :)
  3. gnoble

    gnoble New Member

    Online course or lecture style?

    Good luck with the PS course. See you this summer.
  4. GG

    GG Active Member

    Wow that's a long time. Gonna miss u mate. Good Luck with the course you'll most probably enjoy it since you already have great skills as it is! You've done some great work on here so they'll be happy to have you there too!

    See you soon! Take Care ;)
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Brilliant news Brandon!! (doing the course, not your leaving) :)

    We will miss you and I'm sure we will all be looking forward to seeing examples of your work after you've completed the professional training!
    Try not to make our work look too bad mate! ;)

    Seeya soon
  6. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Oh my thank you for all the wonderful comments,
    I am starting my course in about 1 week from today and i have been practicing like crazy. But i cant wait to be back and logo making once more.

    I love you guys!:)