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Introducing myself

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sugartov, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Sugartov

    Sugartov New Member

    I was referred to this page on a photography board, which is my main interest. I have had occasional forays into graphic design. I did advertising for a survey and mapping company, volunteer neighborhood newsletters, classroom newsletters (I'm a teacher) that kind of stuff. But I have had trouble making a logo/watermark that looks professional enough to be worth using, so I am hoping for some help with that. I look forward to seeing what this group is like!
  2. fayequinn

    fayequinn New Member

    Sorry I can't help you because i am not a designer i am a professional marriage counselor Los Angeles Therapies. so if you would have any make any therapy you can contact me
  3. Sugartov

    Sugartov New Member

    Thank you anyway Faye Quinn. :) And welcome!