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I'm back. Did ya miss me?

Discussion in 'General' started by CovertPea, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Or maybe you didn't even notice I was gone. :D
    I've just got back from a rushed trip to Sydney (1000klms south).
    A few family problems cropped up that we needed to attend to in a hurry.

    I see quite a few new members over that past week. Many who have been helping out with requests for reviews, graphic designs or simple advice.

    Bless ya' fellas and welcome to FWT!!

    As for me, after 8 days of putting up with relly's fold-out beds and train sleeper berths I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own comfy bed tonight. Also hoping to veg out for at least a day before getting back to work.

    Cheers guys
  2. danelsmith

    danelsmith Banned

    welcome back to the great forum:)
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    I guess it's just the old movies which make train travel look so intriguing and fun.
    Good to have you back CP and yes we do have a few new members with tallent.
  4. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Good to see ye back CP :D

    200th post, I said it would be a worthwhile post :D
  5. GG

    GG Active Member

    Ah Glad to have to have you back CP!

    We have had some great designers helping during the time. I havn't been online as much myself.

    Was just one of those times where business has a kick again, but just recently got Adobe CS5 so I didn't have Photoshop or any other program for about a day or two (oh the torture)

    But i'm all up and running again so will be back on soon :)

    Hope you had good time.
  6. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Thanks guys.
    Good to see you're all doing okay.

    Hey GG, how about doing a personal review of the new CS5? I've been thinking about saving up my pennies for a copy of it.
  7. GG

    GG Active Member

    Yeah I havn't yet figured out all the new features. Just ain't had the time to but will do soon. Overall, so far I do find it much better than CS3.

    I'll send you a PM about how to get it so then you can keep those pennies to yourself ;)
  8. GG

    GG Active Member

  9. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Got your pm GG. Ta. :)
    Will definately check out those new features.