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General I need visual!

Discussion in 'General' started by autumncreations, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. autumncreations

    autumncreations New Member

    I can only do so much by reading. I keep hearing stuff about slices, and coding, and dream weaver and FTP and so on. Now, I cannot afford dream weaver and not yet ready to pay for FTP service. Can I use these templates without any of that?

    I used some CSS but only when building from the ground up, not with what I'm given here. How the heck do I do this? Has anyone ever made a visual tutorial? I want to change my images & colors, how do I slice? I've been using photoshop for a few years so I'm good at it.

    I really want to use these templates and I plan on using "Shopping template".

    I cannot learn by words alone, I have to see what is being done to understand.
  2. cyberquest

    cyberquest New Member

    To customize your Logo, you might try and ask here on the forums in:
    Request a logo customization -

    For a FTP - I use FileZilla - Its free and meets the needs. I like it myself. If you want it - Heres two links where you can get it -
    - FileZilla or SourceForge

    CSS ? you might do a search here on the forums or post your questions in
    HTML - XHTML - CSS - and/or google it.