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General How to use a template

Discussion in 'General' started by 18D00108, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member


    I have never used a template before. Can you please tell me how to load it into my page? Can you please tell me what it is supposed to look like when I upload it? When I upload the Architecture template, it just shows a brown background and nothing else.
  2. joieb

    joieb New Member

    Hello Guys,

    I am also having same trouble so I am just raising this topic.

    I am very new with using and learning templates so please help us.

  3. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member



    Nevermind guys, I got it.

    So Joieb, here are the steps

    1) Download the .zip file
    2) Go to the .zip file, right click it and select "Extract All"
    3) Open the HTML file in the extracted folder
    4) Edit the text in between the tags to modify the HTML

    If you need further help, just ask.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    we have been busy but knew you would figure it out if you looked around the forum.
    nice of you post the answer for Joieb, and offer further help.
    if you see anyone else who needs help jump right in.
  5. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member

    Happy to do so :)
  6. paperofheart

    paperofheart New Member

    i'm confused about this :( when i go to the extracted folder, there is no html file.. so how would i modify it. :|
  7. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member

    I don't know


    Sorry, I don't have any solution at the moment. I'll look into it, but if anybody else has any ideas, please post them.
  8. dmccarley

    dmccarley New Member

    Same prob... Kinda.

    I downloaded the template I liked (Which was freakin' awesome, you guys rock) but when I unzipped file, the html file was in an index.html type file. It opens up to a webpage that shows the finished template but I am having a hard time editing it.

    Also, I have Dreamweaver (just trying different things) so I opened the template in their and started editing the text. But I am having a hard time editing any pages other than the main one....? I'm able to change some text on the home page, but not sure how to edit the other ones. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated so I can get this bad boy up!

    Thank you thank you thank you in advance to any who respond with some insight.
  9. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member


    For the other pages, just open the index.html again, and save it as a different page. Go back to the main page, and link the text to the page you just created. Just use the index.html as a template for all your other pages. Make sure you don't click "Save", click "Save As", because then you will overwrite the template.

    If you need any further help, please post.
  10. paperofheart

    paperofheart New Member

    sorry, but i need further help, lol. okay so i would understand it if it was just that, since im good at stuff like that. (html's), BUT.. when i extract the folder, there is no HTML file... i thought it was just a problem with one of them, so i downloaded another one, same problem. i downloaded different template, same problem. etc. etc. :( help?
  11. 18D00108

    18D00108 New Member


    I'm not sure what is happening. What exactly happens after you extract the .zip? Another folder should appear beside the .zip folder. Does that happen?