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General how to upload on freehostia

Discussion in 'General' started by jensen_toh, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. jensen_toh

    jensen_toh New Member

    Hi, i need help. I want to upload my template on freehostia, but i don't know which folder to upload to. i find their file manager really hard to use. i have no problem with freewebs, or tripod. will someone please help me! http://www.freehostia.com/

    i was using lycos tripod to host my website as they support frontpage, however my form didn't work, and i don't know why. so i thought of trying freehostia (include frontpage extensions too). if anyone can tell me why my form can't work, i'll be deeply greatful. here's the link to the form hosted on tripod http://morrisontuition.tripod.com/tutor_registration.html
  2. el_tenedor

    el_tenedor New Member

    The way you have explained your issue I have only one answer. It seams to me that you just don't know which folder to upload the source files to.
    Find the "public_html" folder at your host and upload all of the source files and folders there.