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General How To Add Pages!!????

Discussion in 'General' started by halojoe, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. halojoe

    halojoe New Member

    I have just downloaded the halo template.

    and uploaded it on freewebs.

    the url is.


    I cant figure out how to add new pages.

  2. hugaming

    hugaming New Member

    so you this need to make a the link work
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    open the index page in your editor. save it as
    forum.htm, save this file as team.html, do it again as rules.html, join.html, and wars.html Now open them all up because they all look like index.html and edit each page the way you want and save them. There you go you are now a web master. By the way isn't ther a link on your template HOW TO MAKE A NEW PAGE.
  4. DeadEyeZ

    DeadEyeZ New Member

    yep thats the way to do it ..well thats how also make more pages