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General How do you get these templates on your site?

Discussion in 'General' started by janube9, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. janube9

    janube9 New Member

    I have a website, and the editing file in front of me, but I don't know how to get the HTML from THIS page to mine! :(
  2. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    what program do you use? Dreamweaver?
  3. el_tenedor

    el_tenedor New Member

    Hey there.
    You may edit the HTML code of your page with many software products (even with the Windows default Notepad). Dreamweaver is the most comfortable I think so you should use it.
    After you do all the necessary changes to the page just upload it to your host again (replace the old file or just replace the section of the code).
    Besides, you might want to know some basics of HTML editing. Read couple of short HTML tutorials, they are all available free on the Internet. Just search for "html tutorials".
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    With a FTP program such as SmartFTP or Filezilla or any of the many other ones out their will allow you to upload your files to your web. And as el tenedor said use your editor copy the html you need to your page, make your changes and then upload to your site.
  5. Rnbvibez1

    Rnbvibez1 New Member

    you dont even need a program ftp you could use windows ftp aswell by putting ftp://yourwebsite.com

    and that should work