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Web Design How can I change the text color of this template?

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Renegade Soup, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Renegade Soup

    Renegade Soup New Member

    I was fiddling around with 2 of the free templates I saw on this site but one is giving me problems. This one here:


    I can't edit the text color where you see:

    "Don't forget to check free website templates every day, because we add at least one free website template daily. This is a template designed by free website templates for you for free you can replace all the text by your own text. This is just a place holder so you can see how the site would look like."

    I've changed the color of everything and have concluded that it's not there for some reason. Please help.
  2. bahama llama

    bahama llama New Member

    Open up the style.css file and look for the div name that you want to change the color in. This text is sitting inside of div id body-left so you can change the color of the text for that div or in the html of that page you can add your own div tag around the text you want to change and then create a new css entry for it or you can even give the p tag that the text is in an id and set the css to that id to change the color. For instance if you call the paragraph some text
    In the CSS you would reference it p.colorChange {style info here} Hope that helps some. D