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General Hi All!....a Newbie needs some help please

Discussion in 'General' started by RV123, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. RV123

    RV123 New Member


    I just downloaded a website template. (the media one) and want to start customizing/building it to suit my home business.

    Like...where do i start?

    Any help would be totally appreciated...

    Thanks you very much.

  2. RV123

    RV123 New Member

    same dude

    you can email me at rvrvrv123@hotmail.com or talk on msn.

    i'd really appreciate any help or a starting direction...
  3. Apokalupsis

    Apokalupsis New Member

    Do you have an html editor? Do you have photoshop (or something that can read .psd files) to customize the graphics?
  4. RV123

    RV123 New Member

    yip - i have photoshop and just d/l NVU

    thanks for responding. Still kind of lost but see on the NVU site there is a step by step to creation and publishing a site....so, i'm reading it all.

    i havent read yet...but do you think i'll be able to use the free template i d/l from here with nvu?

  5. Apokalupsis

    Apokalupsis New Member

    You may be able to (assuming NVU allows for direct imports of html files).

    However, to change the header and graphics, you'll need an image editor. There is a free alternative to Photoshop, works with .psd files well I believe. But I cannot recall the name atm. I'm sure if you google it you'll find it. Or, if you just need minor edits to the graphics/header/buttons, etc... people here can help.
  6. NeedHelp!!

    NeedHelp!! New Member

    Ok this guy thinks he is a newbie... i am the real newbie i really have no clue and need help. I'll explain my exact situation with designing my website...

    I bought the web hosting last night. I have Filezilla and i have the dj web tamplate that i saw on the front page of this website. The file for the template is a zip file it has other files in it like images and stuff. I think i have managed to upload the zip file to my website but im not sure. And i certainly cant see the web template on my website. Do I have to do something else to actually see the web template on my website. Please please please can someone help me!! The website is for my Karaoke business and i have my first gig on wednesday and i want to get eliers printed with the web address on it. So i need some sort of website up and running by then.

    Thanks you in advance.
  7. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    tell me what website it is and what you want to change... you have to unzip it to work on the html...
    feel free to add me at msn geral@t3-web.com
    i think i can help you out ;)