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General Help!

Discussion in 'General' started by Oopsie, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. Oopsie

    Oopsie New Member

    I had downloaded the world of warcraft templates(page 9) from the site and I uploaded the files that were in it. But when I check my site everything comes except the images of the template. Anything that I can do about it :confused:
  2. Dizzie92

    Dizzie92 New Member

    Hope This Helps

    Okay, so Im guessing you either did one of two things, you uploaded the zip file and extracted it online, or you uploaded each file from the folder (which you unzipped on your comp) Now in the HTML index file, it reads somthing like /images/index22.jpg or whatever the image name is. So in the whole index of your site, there needs to be the index.html, and a directory called images, with all the images for the template in it. Hope this helps and that you can understand it.
  3. solemage

    solemage New Member

    if the images dont show up, its cause the images its calling for arent in the right location.

    If the image says /images/logo.jpg
    and its in something/images/logo.jpg
    it wont work, so right click where it says image cant be displayed, and look at the location. then go into your ftp, and find where exactly it is and fix it
  4. el_tenedor

    el_tenedor New Member

    Yes, that's obviously because of the incorrect link structure. Check your image links (either from the source code or by right-clicking on the image spot).
    Your images should be in the subdirectory of "public_html" folder that is in the link. But of course it's easier to change the link than changing the directory.