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General Help with Image

Discussion in 'General' started by kyar2007, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. kyar2007

    kyar2007 New Member

    Hey guys, ive read through the forums and cant find the solution to my problem! First off thanks for the site - been very useful!! im using the Hair Salon template and turning it into a sports car sales (for a project) site, so far so good, i can modiffy the links/text/name everything. However the main picture on the left side (think its a .psd) i have deleted it and now when i try to put a picture in that spot the picture doesnt show. This is the code how it was before i modified:
    and after:
    also i would like to know how to use the same template but add a page with the same background as i cant seem to find a "background" in the code. My msn is (address deleted) if you would prefer to explain that way! thanks in advance!
  2. kyar2007

    kyar2007 New Member


    still unsure how to make the main image change. Maybe i should explain more clearly. This is the CSS code: #head-1 { background: url(images/head_1.jpg) no-repeat; width: 409px; height: 386px; top: 0; left: 369px; position: absolute; } #head-2 { background: url(images/head_2.jpg) no-repeat; width: 156px; height: 38px; top: 386px; left: 622px; position: absolute; now the two images names head_1 and head_2 i want to change but cannot do it. Even if i change the name of my image to head_1 it wont appear on the page. any help would be greatly appreciated guys :(
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    leave the css alone
    look in the images directory:p
    it is there you will find the images you want to replace.
  4. noisyninja

    noisyninja New Member

    I'm having the exact same problem on the exact same template...I'm using the kompozer editor and while I can change all the text, and even get rid of the other pics, the big one on the left won't budge without completely freaking out the page. I'm not sure where the images directory is (I'm new to this program and having trouble figuring it out anyway.)


  5. el_tenedor

    el_tenedor New Member

    The images directory is usually in the "public_html" folder. It should be named "images" or "img" or anything like that (I don't know what was its name in the source files).
    You may check it by looking at the images properties in the browser window (click on the image, choose "properties" and see the URL, it ends with /XXX/image_name.jpg, where /XXX/ is an images directory).