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General Help with FrontPage

Discussion in 'General' started by fm257, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. fm257

    fm257 New Member

    Sorry if this is a stupid question or it has been asked/ answered before…..
    I have just downloaded a template (firefighters) and I am not sure how to upload it using FrontPage. I have made a few websites with FrontPage and have a basic understanding of its use. Any help would be appreciated. Basic/ simple instructions work best for me……

  2. fm257

    fm257 New Member

    Never mind........figured it out.
  3. Webodore

    Webodore New Member

    Hey, I can't figure this out. How do I use a template with my FrontPage? I've been struggling with this for a while. Can you give me some tips?
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    MS frontpage was dumped and replaced by Expression Web do to its many inhearant strang ways. To use a template not designed for it would take 1/2 a semester to explain. Try PSpad open source editor. It works on any type of file or pay for CoffeeCup software wellworth the small cost. I use CuteHTML Pro. Once you switch you will never go back.