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General Help with a template

Discussion in 'General' started by Jodah, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Jodah

    Jodah New Member

    I purchased this template and I'm a little clueless on how to customize it. I know html and some java script, but this has me a little baffled. The index file I was sent doesn't allow you to right click to view the source code. It looks like one giant picture. I can open it in front page and see some source code, but I would prefer to be able to right click on it. My questions are these:

    1. The photoshop file sent says "sliced" on it. When opened, the entire website opens as one image. Is there a way to only edit individual parts on it and then convert it to html, like to "un-slice" it?

    2. I have to just edit individual image files right, not the entire website picture?

    3. Do most templates force you to use frontpage to edit any source code?

    4. Was I just ripped off? None of the links work in the template, so I'll have to set them up myself.

    The site in question is this: http://www.templatehog.com/corporate-17/index.html

    The file sent functions just like that link, everything unclickable.
  2. Jodah

    Jodah New Member

    major problem

    Ok so some the html looks like this at the top:


    <!-- ImageReady Slices (Template021-Sliced.psd) -->

    All the text and everything on the template is purely an image file/photoshop. When I add text, everything is screwed up. I assume that's what the <!-- ImageReady Slices (Template021-Sliced.psd) --> means. I guess I thought I could rearrange some text and change some pictures, but I guess I have to use photoshop to do ANYTHING with it??

    Am I forced to only edit this template in photoshop?
  3. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    1 - To see the sliced thing press CTRL+K or go to View -> Show -> Slices.

    2 - The person who gave you the template probably didn't know anything about HTML and just used the standard options in imageready.
    In imageready you can select what needs to be an image and what needed to be HTML text the person just didn't do that.

    I never use imageready for my templates because it makes very messy code and the website breaks up in piece if you add some content to it.

    3 - No you do not need to use frontpage to edit your template; you can use any HTML editor.

    4 - Lets say you where half ripped off because you did get the psd file.

    You only have to use photoshop to extract the images from the psd file.
    Here is how I do it:
    - First I slice any image that I need from the template.
    - Then I go to File -> save of web.
    - I select save and choose in the bottom save as type: Images only.
    - Then I start my HTML/CSS editor ( Dreamweaver MX 2004).
    - I create a HTML file make my framework of div tags and give them an id name.
    - Then I create a CSS file and I style all the div tags, I sometimes go back to photoshop to extract the colors and measure the width and height of the div tags.
  4. Jodah

    Jodah New Member

    Thanks for the help
  5. Jodah

    Jodah New Member

    I just downloaded one of your templates and that's what I wish I had, template wise (not content wise of course). You can easily change the text and links and pictures to make it easily customizeable. Nobody buy anything from templatehog.com, what a rip.
  6. djddzines

    djddzines New Member

    Judging by their site and the style of the templates, excluding the fact that I have seen many of the templates around the web, I am thinking that they are only reselling the templates. I may be wrong, but It doesn't make sense.
  7. marie_Li

    marie_Li New Member

    Probably didnt get ripped off

    I know in my experience that I include a psd file and other things with some of my templates and someone will get all mad at me thinking they were ripped off. They when I write back and explain to them whats actually IN the folder, they apologize.

    But then when they go back and actually LOOK at what was in the zip file I sent to them, they realize that they just didnt know what they were doing or what to expect.

    So you really should be careful of anyone of ripping you off, unless you know for sure.

  8. marie_Li

    marie_Li New Member

    I meant to say that you should be careful of ACCUSING someone of ripping you off... LOL! I wrote that the wrong way.
  9. marie_Li

    marie_Li New Member

    thought of something else

    I just thought of something else too.

    One time someone had wanted me to edit a PSD Template for then and then slice it up and so I did that and sent it to them.

    Later when I sold the same template to someone else they were upset because all there was in the template was just a sliced up template like you described.

    It turns out that I just simply re-zipped the template and accidentally sent them the template I had made and sliced for someone else... without the original PSD file.

    I would almost bet that this was what happened.

    But in most cases if you would just simply go to the person you bought the template from and ASK THEM... they'd make things right with you.
