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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by akoon, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. akoon

    akoon New Member

    I started coming on this website when I was 15, I'm 22 years old now, I experienced around with these templates and helped me learn how to be a webmaster but now I'm learning how to design websites CSS and PHP and many other coding stuff.
    Ruthe likes this.
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Welcome Akoon,

    Wow great to know you have been here 7 years go.
    I coded the first templates for this website just to learn how to code, so it's great that other people are learning from it too.
    Ruthe likes this.
  3. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hello akoon,

    That's amazing! You grew up with FWT, then. Wow. Maybe you could show us some of the things that you've worked on? It's heartwarming to know that this community has such a long-lasting impact.

    Welcome back (;