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Hello Friends...(from India)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by manikandanmanivelu, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Dear Friends ,

    This is Mani from India and at present working in Hong Kong. I am planning to start Goat Farm and looking for some nice web site design upon which I can customize.

    Iam really glued with this site and I must say the free templates looks great. Thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
  2. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hello Mani!

    Welcome to our cosy little community! Glad our templates are serving you well :LOL:

    Are you starting a goat farm in HK or in India? Does a goat farm mean you rear goats and make a living off goat products (e.g. goat milk)? :)
  3. Hello Ruthe,

    Thanks! Iam starting the farm in Southern part of India targetting the meat industry. Really need your help in designing a logo and developing a site for the same.
  4. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    Welcome to FWT Mani. Hope you'll find the perfect template for your site here :)

    If you need help with your logo/site, do post in the relevant section of our forum and our members will be glad to help you out!
  5. Thanks Dawn. I am new to logo/web site design and so no clue where to start with. I afraid I can make any progress on my own and so requested CovertPea & Mimoun for help. Looking at the quality of work, I am sure that I will get a perfect logo & template very soon.
  6. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    You'll first want to pick a template from our large selection, then have a quick look through the posts written by our members on how to use templates. That should get you started; most of the resources you'll need to create a simple website will be included in the template download. If you run into any difficulties customizing your site you can always ask for help on the forums.

    As for your logo, do take a look at this thread and give some thought to what you want in your design before posting a request here.

    Hope this helps! :)
    Ruthe likes this.
  7. Thanks a lot for the details Dawn. Will go through those threads.
  8. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Welcome Welcome...
  9. Thanks a lot Mimoun.