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General General questions

Discussion in 'General' started by wheel, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. wheel

    wheel New Member

    Can I ask who develops the free website templates here? Is it just Mimoun? Or is it a team?

    Also, what does it cost to get a custom template built and purchase the exclusive rights to it? I'm considering providing custom websites to my clients but need the design work done (I can do everything else, and provide a lot of additional value in my niche, but the layout stuff I need to rebrand).

    Thanks, I look forward to your reply - and thanks for some great looking template designs.
  2. wheel

    wheel New Member

    Bump? no response to PM's either?
  3. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Its a group of people that design the templates but Mimoun is the owner of the site.
  4. wheel

    wheel New Member

    thanks. He's kinda hard to get hold of though. Not good.
  5. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Yer lol tell me about it :D

    He is just really busy.
  6. wheel

    wheel New Member

    That's a bind though. THe stuff he puts on here is absolutely top quality. But if I start using him (as I've been inquiring about to him) for stuff from my customers, and he ceases answering contacts, then that leaves me looking bad with my customers.