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Legacy Furniture company

Discussion in 'Archived' started by t3-web, Jul 24, 2009.

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  1. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    Hi there...

    Can you please help me out on this one?

    I need a logo for a furniture company called: "Móveis JDS"

    Móveis means Furniture and JDS are the initials of the company owner...

    I needed something with a touch of glamour...

    I like these kind of patterns, but i dont know if they can be placed in the logo...





    Tks in advance...
  2. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    I'll give it a try :)
  3. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    I will try as well :)
  4. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

  5. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    Still waiting for those tryes :p

    thanks in advance guys
  6. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    ok, what about this one?
  7. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    thats nice... but if possible take some glow off in those "bright points", the background pattern is almos unperceptible, and if possible use a font with more "substance"

  8. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    just a ameture try from a coder.

    Attached Files:

    • jds2.jpg
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    • 2.jpg
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  9. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

  10. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    That´s hot, but i need something more "glamourous"... more "intense"
  11. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Hey Mister!! Nice to see you posting again. :)
    I'll jump in and have a try at this as well.

  12. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    I see you have a webdesign company T3, nice template you have :)
  13. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I couldn't find a decent looking idea to fit with those patterns. What about this? (colours optional)

    Attached Files:

  14. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    nice mate, I took an other road in the forrest :)

    It would be nice to know where we can see the designs later, can you give me a url?

  15. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    I loved the logos but i´m a bit to demanding when it comes to myself and the Móveis JDS company now belongs to me, i inherited her from my father... now i´ll have to work double to keep both companies running. I intend to create a website later on, but now i need the logo to use has company simbol, to print it on cards, letters, paint the company cars, and so on...

    i need something more "eye catching", and CP knows how demanding i am with myself :lol:

    I used Boemboem idea to create something, i think similar to what i want, but i get the feeling that something is missing.
    Please give me your sincear opinion...

    Attached Files:

    • jds.jpg
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      141.6 KB
  16. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    i don´t really like the image i´ve used, but it´s to explain the general idea
  17. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Yep, it has to be at least, as pretty as you T3! (hugs)

    What about providing some furniture pictures made by JDS to use in the logo?

    What you've done above is nice and 'warm' looking but not definate enough. At first glance it could be seen as a shot for a wallpapering company.

  18. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    one more shot...

    btw, how can i do the degradé transparency like Boemboem did?

    Attached Files:

    • jds3.jpg
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      116.6 KB
  19. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    You can fade that reflection layer with a eraser tool set on a 30% opacity. and erase bit by bit.
  20. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    i use firewoks!!!
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