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General frontpage hyperlnks- messing up my slices

Discussion in 'General' started by alphamale, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. alphamale

    alphamale New Member

    hey guys,

    quick question: when i hyperlink one of my slices in frontpage, it puts a little blue box around the slice, which messes up the slices and put strips of white between them. Any idea how the hyperlink in frontpage without it puttin gin the hyperlink border? cheers.

  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Hi Ben.

    Its probly got something to do with the CSS. Try adding this to your CSS

    [FONT=Courier New]img[/FONT]
    [FONT=Courier New]{  border-style: none;[/FONT]
    [FONT=Courier New]}[/FONT]

    The above will remove the border around every linked image on your site. If you only want it for one image do the following.

    [FONT=Courier New]<a href="http://www.yoursite.com/">[/FONT]
    [FONT=Courier New]<img src="http://www.yourimagehere.com/image.jpg" style="border-style: none"/>[/FONT]
    [FONT=Courier New]</a>[/FONT]
  3. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Actually, it is a glitch in Frontpage, you have to right-click on the image hyperlink and select 0 border and it will remove it...Ben emailed me and I already answered the question, but I thought I would post and let you know that is all that needs to be done if they are using Frontpage.
