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Football - Soccer - Rugby it's all the same...

Discussion in 'General' started by ishkey, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    It would seem that no matter what you call it or how it is played they all have one thing in common -
    LOGOS and BEER.
    Not that there is anything wrong with that simple one minded thought.

    I can just visualize it. Beer in hand, turn on the pc, type football logo into Google ( or maybe you heard about this Forum and someone named CovertPea in the pub ).
    Pour another cold one. Come to the forum read one or two other requests, look at the other logos, salivate you just hit paydirt, suck down your beer take a deep breath, start typing your request for a new logo and sit there logged in on your post waiting until you get a responce.
    Now all you have to do is watch the games on tv and sip on more suds, look at the monitor every now and then.
    Didn't bother to read any of the sticky notes, the heck with the rest of the community, oh hell we're talking Adrenaline Rush, a new Team Logo, that if we paid for would cost teams beer money for the rest of the year.
    The first Graphic pops up... wow you can't believe your eyes, chug on the beer, you ask for changes and they pop up on the screen, drink a beer, refine the logo even more and the refinements are right on, heck this is fantastic, sip on a beer, ask for the logo for the jerzees (shirts or whatever they call them) and for the website, pour another beer, say thanks because you can not believe your luck in finding this place and they must be nuts for doing it for free, heck you got to pay for the beer. Go out to get more beer for there is going to be more drinking this time with the whole team in celebration.
    Your logo is hot and now the team has something to play for.
    Your work here is done so now it's back to the game.

    Yep it's universal around the world, if only everyone thought like this, there would be harmony in the world.
    Just and an Observation.... :D