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Legacy Football Badge Request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by TheUnitFC, Aug 29, 2009.

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  1. TheUnitFC

    TheUnitFC New Member

    Badge has been sent off to the printers to get them printed onto our training tops now, so when we get them back, I will upload a photo to here so you can see how happy you have made us!

    Thanks again.

  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Great Callum, I'll be looking forward to seeing them!

    Cheers & once again, good luck with the team!

  3. TheUnitFC

    TheUnitFC New Member

    Hi CP,

    Long time since I've been here.

    We are still using the logo you created for us, and I noticed I didn't post any pictures of the training tops. Sorry about that!

    Not got a great picture, but if you visit our website on this link: http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/theunit01/112900/PhotoGallery/index/page:5?album_id=57159

    There is a team photo and a couple of people are wearing the tops.

    I was just wondering if you could do some amendments to the logo?
    We need the logo much larger as we are creating a large decal for the wall at our stadium.

    We think about 1000 x 1000 pixels. Is that possible?

    Also, they want it in PDF format, which I can do myself if it's a pain for you.

    Your help on this is much appreciated.

  4. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Will look into your request this weekend Callum.
    Great shots too, thanks for the link!
  5. hey, i made this one:
    Mimoun likes this.
  6. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Top job again Alfonso.
    Callum, attached is zip containg larger sized image in both PDF and transparent PNG

    Attached Files:

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