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General Food Online Template

Discussion in 'General' started by gleno747, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. gleno747

    gleno747 New Member

    Hi i have a pretty good knowledge of HTML and CSS but I’m stumped on one section of the Food Online Template. The Online Booking section. I have changed it a little but it is mostly the same code but i don't know how to get it to got to another page.

    Any Help Please. Here's the link for the template.
    Food Online web template

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    "how to get it to got to another page"
    It is just a link, like the "nav-left" and "nav-right" in the menu system.
    <a href="linkedpage.html">Linked Page</a>

    The Online Booking section.
    As coded is a "form action" much like a "contact form". Where the person fills out the form online and it is sent to a file on the server to be processed (not in the template). Being processed could mean sending you a email and a return Thank You page back to the customer. If you use this simple way, you might have an over booking problem on your hands (not good).
    You would need a database and several support files attached to the form to sort everything out. If you search the web for "Online Booking" you will find it's a big programming job so no freebies for the software. Most people sign up for one of the many services out there and still use the type of form on this templete. The service will give you the code you need to attach to the form.

    Hope this helps and clears things up.
  3. gleno747

    gleno747 New Member

    Thank you i will try what you said.