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Exclusive Website Templates

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by karenv, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. karenv

    karenv New Member

    If someone wants their website exclusive is this possible or do all sites go up as free sites once completed? ;)
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    This has been asked by some people which e-mailed me about it and we already made 2 exclusive templates.
    You can't find any order page on the website for it as we never planed to do it, but people just start asking for it.

    We currently charge $147 for a unique and custom made template.
    We may add a new page on the website for ordering an exclusive template, but for now you can just send me a messages if you need one.

    If you want exclusive rights for the template we will be designing for you with the fast template service remember to say so before the template is completed, because ones I put it online it will not be exclusive anymore.
    You can then get exclusive rights by paying $147-$25 you paid for the request which is only $122.
