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General Dreamweaver

Discussion in 'General' started by becca24jg, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. becca24jg

    becca24jg New Member

    I downloaded a zip file, then unzipped it ofcourse, opened the index in dreamweaver 4 and it has fallen apart. Not bad fallen apart, but the images arent where they were supposed to be, I keep playing with it but can't get it back to normal. Any suggestions?

  2. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    try dreamweaver 8 ;)
    I´ts the only one i use, and it´s very easy and simple to work with
  3. becca24jg

    becca24jg New Member

    Would love to have dreamweaver 8 but it cost lots of money and all I have is Dreamweaver 4 right now. Does this mean I will not be able to use the templates?
  4. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    i can´t help you on this one cause i never used dreamweaver for... try a "low cost" dreaamweaver version ;)