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General DreamWeaver MX - scrabbled design view

Discussion in 'General' started by erider2008, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. erider2008

    erider2008 New Member

    Hello...I opened a CSS (non-table based) template in DreamWeaver MX and it's all scrambled, but appears fine in browser view. Will DreamWeaver CS3 allow me to see the pages in correct design view - just as they appear in the browser?

    I'm an experienced web designer...just a little behind the times with the CSS, DIV tag stuff.

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I guess you are experienced in making graphic layouts for web design, because a css file will not display as a picture in your browser or in design view. You will only see the code. A HTML file will display. Are you sure it is scrambled or just code showing?
  3. erider2008

    erider2008 New Member

    The HTM (HTML) page w/ CSS is scrambled as well. I see the images and content text in my design view. For example, this html website page: http://www.bluecoronainteractive.com - looks like this in my design view: http://www.tworiderdesign.com/screenshot.jpg

    I also had a client that lost their site to a disgruntled web designer and I tried to pull all the files from IE (doing "save as" webpage complete), but when I opened the files in MX, it was very hard to edit because the layout, colors, etc would not appear in design view - but it looked fine when viewed in the browser. All the paths to the files (css, images, etc) were correct...I just coulnd't figure out why design view was screwing up.

  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    you need to download all the files from the server via FTP
    pics files
    css files
    html files
    php files
    java files
    what ever there is on the server in terms of his files that relate to his web and use the same file structure on your pc. "save as" doesn't cut it.
    is there a backup on the server? if so download that and you would have more to work with.
  5. erider2008

    erider2008 New Member

    Thanks for the help ishkey!!
  6. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    The newer DW, tend to screw up websites (so I've learned).
    So, I use the good old classics.
    DreamWeaver 8.
    Love it, and never gonna give it up.
  7. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    No Problem in DW CS3
  8. erider2008

    erider2008 New Member

    Just received DW CS3....but it won 't install on my PC w/ XP -
    I'm off to Support Land.