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General Dreamweaver issue

Discussion in 'General' started by sspecialme11, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. sspecialme11

    sspecialme11 New Member

    In order to create a site that is usable with many pages that are both static and dynamic, it is appropriate to use Template designs in Dreamweaver. These will help facilitate the need to make site wide changes driven by the templates, without having to update each page indiviudally for any changes that are made. [link removed]
    The problem I am facing.. (I am sure it is a dreamweaver one, but wish to know if others have had the same problem and resolved it) is that when an MT URL code is placed in the page and a NEW page is created from that, because the NEW page is being created from the template, Dreamweaver rules change the code to one that is html compliant.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2014
  2. webmast@

    webmast@ New Member

    what do you mean?
    i don't understand
  3. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    Special [you],

    Heres what I'm understanding, what you need to do is create that page before you put in the MT URL code... that way it will be html compliant... but instead of using MT why don't you just use every day http urls. Plus, I don't even know if you can use MT URL codes in Dreamweaver.
