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General Downloading a Template!!

Discussion in 'General' started by tania_tsam, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. tania_tsam

    tania_tsam New Member

    Hey !!!!

    I downloaded the Jennifer Love Hewitt template but I was unable to open it in FrontPage....
    Can anyone help me out with this???

    I would greatly appreciate it!!!
    Thanks a lot!!!
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Have you unzipped it?

    Make sure you open the .htm fiile, it will be in the zipped file
  3. tania_tsam

    tania_tsam New Member

    It worked!!! Thanks a lot!!! =)

    Btw, can I ask you 2 more quick questions:

    1) How can I modify the name "Jennifer Love Hewitt" that appears on the main page banner?

    2) When you work with a website template like this one, in order to create my website, I will have to work on one web page at a time?? In other words, there's no thing as "shared borders" and "themes"?

  4. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Templates like this each page has to be changed separately.

    If the banner is an image then it would have to be chaged in photoshop.
  5. tania_tsam

    tania_tsam New Member

    The banner is a GIF file but when I try to open it in Photoshop, I get a message saying: "The file is damaged or an unsupported format".
    I am only able to open the image in Paint but that doesn't allow me to modify the text...

    Would you happen to know why I'm not able to open the image in Photoshop?
