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General don't know what has gone wrong

Discussion in 'General' started by josewick, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. josewick

    josewick New Member

    Hi all

    i have downloaded the Restaurant template here as i think it looks wicked and its fairly easy.

    With very limited skill i tried to modify the page to my spec..

    It all looked kinda ok in dreamweaver, but once uploaded, everything has gone wrong.... I thought its the link, so changed all paths and things. still no luck.

    The link to the website is here


    Only 5 simple pages (and I cannot even handle it)

    What it should look like is the below 5 screen shots

    Please tell me what has gone wrong and I will make changes to it.

    Many many many thanks





  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Here is what you link looks like. Did you upload all the files, like style.css and the image directory.

    Attached Files:

  3. josewick

    josewick New Member


    I uploaded everything and i don;t know hwat has gone wrong

    So i have done it all again with minimal changes and its all working ok now.. ish

  4. [[Josh]]

    [[Josh]] New Member

    Sometimes when you upload files or download, files can be lost it's normal.
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Uploading files to a server has always been a hit or miss, and at times you have to upload them twice. The more the files loaded at one time the greater the change of loss. Now a days people like to zip a file which makes it smaller and has checks in it, then upload to server, then unzip it there. Seems to reduce problems. Also when something goes wrong look at hat seems to be missing. Say pictures just show a plae holder. Then there is a good chance those pics need re-uploading. Saves time and your sanity.