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Graphics could you make these transparent? please?

Discussion in 'Free Graphics' started by Lpspider, Aug 20, 2005.

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  1. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    Below are the tab menus I'm working on for my site. They sit atop a different picture, so I need the corners rounded off and transparent...if someone could do that I'd be eternally thankful. :)

    click here to download.
  2. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    I cant do that cause there is no psd and they are not in images of any sort.

    If they were images i could make it transparent.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    sorry, linked to the wrong file
  4. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    what happened was I selected tabmenu instead of menutab...

    can you make .png files transparent?


    Tell me if the download doesn't work...when I tried myself it showed them as invalid or corrupted. I guess I could link to them individually....
  5. Lpspider

    Lpspider New Member

    THIS ONE should work. Sorry for the trouble and thanks in advanced for any help.
  6. motoracer380

    motoracer380 New Member

    yeah i'll try
  7. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    i'm not sure if your still want these but here they are:

    hold on changed subdomains... i'll get 'em for you

    tell me when you download these so I can delete them from my server.
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