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General Completely Clueless

Discussion in 'General' started by Wifey, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Wifey

    Wifey New Member

    I consider myself a pretty smart person, but I cannot figure out a few things about this website template thing. Do you continue to use the same template for each page or do you have to use some fancy html footwork to apply the basic template design to others pages of your website? Somebody help me before all my hair falls out.
  2. jmsbc

    jmsbc New Member

    Depends what you want to do. Usually a website contains the same page layouts, so you use the same template. Two easy ways to make more pages are (1) to right click on your index.html page, choose Copy, Paste, Paste, Paste. You should get additional files. Then you can rename all the copies to whatever else you need: links.html, aboutme.html, contact.html, etc. (2) Open your index.html, choose File Save As, and type in the new name (contacts, lnks, whatever). As you do your edits, keep saving. When you're ready to go on to your next page, Open the index.html (or whatever file you are using as your basic layout), choose Save As, and so on.
    Good luck!