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General Complete noob needing help.

Discussion in 'General' started by Mellwin, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Mellwin

    Mellwin New Member

    Hello, i have just downloaded one of the templates and the looks are truly impressing. However this is my delima. I have no clue what so ever how to make this work. I know i need dreamweaver or something of the kind but from there im lost. Im wanting to make a guild website for my friends in World of Warcraft. If anyone can help me get started I would really appreciate it.

    One thing that would help would be kind of a step by step guide. For Example:

    1. Download Template
    2. Get Hosting (i.e. GoDaddy.com)
    3. ??
    4. ??

    Im willing to pay for hosting services cause lets face it the free ones arent all that great and the templates at places like freewebs.com arent really impressive.

    The template i want to use comes from http://www.designgalaxy.net/images/product/1300/1363/0.jpg

    Please Help, and that do, you have my thanks.:)
  2. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    I beg to differ with the free ones not being all that great. Try XmgNetworks.com they have paid hosting and free hosting... its good.

    I don't know of any step-by-step guides... try going out to a book store and looking for one - but:

    1. Download​
    2. Get Hosting (i.e. goDaddy, XMGFree, XMGHosting)​
    3. Get Editing Programs (i.e. Dreamweaver, Photoshop, etc.)....​
    4. Edit HTML / PHP / CSS Graphics using Notepad, Dreamweaver, or just WordPad for HTML / PHP / CSS or Photoshop or Fireworks for Graphics...​
    5. Get an FTP program (i.e. SmartFTP ) login and upload....​
    6. View it​
  3. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Sent you a private message.
  4. Mellwin

    Mellwin New Member

    I got your PM Scoooooty, and thank you for the offer of help. I looked at your prices and agree that the 4.99 package does sound about right. As soon as i talk things over with other members of the guild to see what all they would like into the site(hopefully not to much) Ill be purchasing hosting from your site. I would also like to thank you for the offer of helping me set it up, cause as i said, website design and setup is something completely new to me.

    I look foward to your help in creating this. The people in this guild have been great and I want to get them a website they can be proud to have.
  5. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Glad to be of some help. :)