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Legacy can you help me out

Discussion in 'Archived' started by t3-web, Oct 26, 2007.

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  1. Apokalupsis

    Apokalupsis New Member

    I didn't use photoshop so there is no .psd file. I used my company's graphics system. The above is the original .png file. I don't think this software allows for cmyk as it is used primarily for web applications.

    I may be able to take each graphic image in the file, and export them individually to PS. Another member asked me to do something similar for his logo. I guess it may as well be a good time to learn how to do so.

    This is why I offer these logos for free btw. hehe The creativity and look part is easy, it's the making it accessible and adaptable for the client that I need to work on.

    I'll see what I can do. So you guys can work on it too if you like...attached is a .png image containg the split images used for this logo (w/o any effects w/ exception of the gradients).

    What I'm assuming needs to be done, is to recompile them individually into a .psd file, with each image as a separate layer.

    Also, the oval shape will need to be stretched a bit more as these are the original files, not the transformed images that T3 requested.

    Attached Files:

  2. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    thanks man... ;)
  3. Apokalupsis

    Apokalupsis New Member

    OK, here is the .psd file. I tried to upload 2, including the cmyk and 300ppi modified .psd, but this site is timing out. So you'll have to make those changes to this original .psd file yourself. The original .png file is in my last post w/ the attachment. You can download it from there.

    However, when blown up on my screen to 100% (several inches), it still looks a bit fuzzy to me. I think it's because this isn't a vector image, like what would be made in Illustrator or Fireworks. But I don't know. Again, I'm not a print guy...it's something I need to learn. Perhaps French can give some advice or intel on what needs to be done.

    It may be the case, that this only works for the web, or small print. I know however, that I've had small files blown up very large and the resolution was perfect. I had this done at local print shops though, so I don't know how they were able to do it.

    Attached Files:

  4. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    thanks a lot man... this way the print shop will be able to make this logo fit the car and the office glass window ;) nice work... how about that flash site?? are you having fun?? hehehhe if you have spare time i would need a logo for that to... lol
  5. Apokalupsis

    Apokalupsis New Member

    To be honest, this t3web logo has been the only thing I've been able to work on. I'll start working on the other requests later tonight and at times this weekend. ;)
  6. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    thanks man...
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