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General Basic Primer 2 - Basketball to Soccer

Discussion in 'General' started by ishkey, May 22, 2009.

  1. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    People seem to be asking similar questions. Questions which arose from the first primer.
    So I'll try to make this visual and simple. I hope...
    You will still have to use your power of observation.
    FWT has several great templates, which are html/css style, but how can you customize them for your taste?
    Let us start with the Basketball template https://freewebsitetemplates.com/template5.php go download it.
    As you can see it is a great template, but we need a Soccer template (CovertPea creates alot of logos for the Football Teams) So let's change it up a little. Make it wider, change some pics, and alter the color a wee bit.
    When you finish customizing it, then start adding you own words.
    From the pics you can see both come from the same template but for different sports.
    Not too bad for a quick attempt.
    Attached "soccer.zip" file contains a few extra files so you can see what is possible, by adding/subtracting different parts of the template.
    Compare the code of the Basketball to the Soccer files. It jumps out at you.
    Look at the images directory. I'm no "CovertPea" but I was able to make a graphic template to change the menu and a few headers but not all of them.
    Added some pic frames and borrowed a logo (thanks CP). You get the idea.
    Compare the code of the Basketball to the Soccer files. It jumps out at you.
    There are multiple ways to do things in which to achieve a result. Plan it out and just do it.
    Fix those things that don't fit right after the bulk of your template is completed.
    Read CovertPea said on this post for a further understanding https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30334#post30334

    Attached Files:

  2. GG

    GG Active Member

    wow spamming on a moderators post that is seriously just dumb
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    He laced the forum with 5 spam posts.
    It's sad that there are crap websites that pay 10 cent a post and even sadder that there are morons that take them up on the offer.
    Thanks GG