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Closed Anyone?

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Teigen, Jul 31, 2011.

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  1. Teigen

    Teigen New Member


    As the Request section have been down for a long time( prob never will open again either? )

    I am wondering if anyone here is capable of Making a Website?

    It`s for a gaming based community, dosn`t have to be something "SuP4 L337 H4xoR" Looking. I`m not looking for a $1k site.

    I can help with lots of the designing for sure, Photoshop lover ;)

    here are some sites to inspire/give a basic impression of what I am thinking of


    I`m not demanding you to make it for free, of course. But on the other side I`m not a billionaire, Just a stud with lots of bills because of my addiction to fun
  2. enigma1

    enigma1 New Member

    I would be surprised if you found someone to do custom design and web development for that type of sites. Usually it goes way higher in cost (assuming it's original). These sites are not just CMS, they also integrate a forum and maybe other major components. You could of course keep them as separate applications using phpbb/wp for instance but that won't be too original and of course harder to maintain.

    Anyways I have a CMS that I am trying to promote. I have a forum that will use the same engine as the CMS but it's still in development and will take time (several months at least to finish the prototype).

    I could do the basic CMS part in exchange for having a link in the footer, to the forum here and to my CMS demo site. That includes the integration of the layout/design, the theme you have to do in ps or something similar and give me the mockup or theme pictures. The CMS I have is called I-Metrics CMS. It is open source (GPL), latest version you can find in sourceforge.net

    In the future once I finish the forum part, I could also update your site and include it.
  3. Teigen

    Teigen New Member

    Thanks for a reply.

    Stupidly I forgot to mention that I have a VBulletin forum, sorry for that Mr.
    I appreciate your reply, it sounds interesting :D I was in touch with a webdesigning company that would do me the job for 750 USD. I could afford it but then I would have to eat noodles or something the next 2 months :D
  4. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    Hi Teigen,

    Previously, the template request forum had to be closed due to insufficient resources; we are now pleased to announce that the template request forum has recently been relaunched.

    If you still require assistance in creating the website mentioned in your initial post, we can help by designing a new website template for you! Simply reply to this thread within 30 days of this post and we will begin working on your request with you as soon as possible. If your website requirements have changed, feel free to submit a new template request instead.

    Please note that any request to accept this offer after the above stipulated period will not be entertained.

    I look forward to seeing you on FWT again! :)
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