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Legacy amatuer soccer team crest needed!

Discussion in 'Archived' started by korvayne, Feb 18, 2011.

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  1. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Forest -
    I'm not sure who I made these shield shapes up for but you're more than welcome to them. (photoshop .csh files)

    Attached Files:

  2. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks S for those, but I think I already have them.....lol prob me you sent them too.
    It's been a pain since my AI programme crashed, so trying out a new one.
  3. korvayne

    korvayne New Member

    Thanks for the crests ishkey,just downloaded them there.at the minute im in the early stages of setting the team up,now I have a crest im going to get a website built then i'll look for a sponsor for the team then buy the kit,the league starts in september but I like to be well prepared:D plus theres lots to do before then
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Your more than welcome and I should wish you luck but you seem to be right on track.
    Oh what the heck Best of Luck, will wait until Sept to see and hear how the team does.
  5. korvayne

    korvayne New Member

    cheers :) will keep all informed,first friendly games will be in august so hope to have the kit ready in july
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