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General alright yeah, another noob...

Discussion in 'General' started by Material Christ, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Material Christ

    Material Christ New Member

    Yeah I'm new to using the templates and I'm pretty stuck.

    I downloaded the photos template, I've edited it in dreamweaver, replaced all the pimage files like I should have by saving over them, taken the html that it gave me and uploaded it to my site.

    However, when I visit my site it just comes up with the text I've inputted.

    So I took all the images and hosted them on my website's domain thing, took the links off there and replaced the file links in the HTML & CSS in dreamweaver with the ones from my site, and now I have images up on my page, but the layout still isn't there.

    If I haven't quite explained properly, here's the site so you can see what's wrong.


    I'm thinking that it might be due to the host service - that they don't allow some foreign tags or something? I dunno if that's possible.

    But nayway, any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member


    Upload the css file that came with the template and it should work :D
  3. Material Christ

    Material Christ New Member

    Ahh! Got it! Thanks very much. Appreciated.