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General Adding you're own Template on (Freewebs) Help!

Discussion in 'General' started by BALKIS, Nov 8, 2007.


    BALKIS New Member

    Hi I'm new to adding templates especially freewebs. I've read all the threads on here & so far this is what i've covered. Lemme know if i'm wrong so far.

    First i need to edit my index file in my template using a notepad correct? Ok what do i do after that? Do i then click manage files in freewebs & upload the css style & image files? Whenever i upload the image files do i have to upload em individually or can i up em in a zip? Is that about all that needs to be done? Please be specific as you can when giving me some instructions. Like step by. step would be nice. I know how to edit html that's not a problem i just need the steps to take for( Freewebs)
  2. cyberquest

    cyberquest New Member

    Excuse me but I have to ask this: Are you using freewebs template(s) on a host provider or trying to load your own template here on freeweb ?

    BALKIS New Member

    I have my own template i'm trying to load over on freewebs.
  4. cyberquest

    cyberquest New Member

    I signed on with freewebs today under a FREE account to have a look..

    Here is the result using a freewebsitetemplate

    I am going to assume you have a FREE account as well...

    The first time you sign on and create an account, The next step is picking a free template from Freewebs. You'll need to bypass this to upload something else you like.

    At the very top right hand corner you'll see a field for search.. it reads (SEARCH ALL TEMPLATES) dirrectly under this field you'll notice it says to CLICK HERE if you want to upload or build own. Click there and go to the next step.

    Once you get there select - BUILD AND EDIT <-- it in the top left hand corner

    You are now on the SITE MANAGER page

    - scroll down and you'll see two horizontal menu's

    The first is Upload Tools

    the second being - File Manager

    The very first thing you should do is create an IMAGES folder in the File Manager. Here is where all your images go... with out this folder they won't work.. - they didn't for me anyway -

    The File manager has buttons that go the width of the page that read
    All files | web pages | Images | Media | other | search

    Under this menu look for - add a page - add a folder and click on add a folder then type images in the field and click save..

    there are a few ways to get your files uploaded holding a free account on freewebs

    1) upload each file individually " which is what I did "

    2) send your files in email...

    It didn't take to long to upload the files one by one but there werent that many. I had one problem with the header image... ( the psd ) freewebs would not accept it.. heres the error
    Error: Posted content length of 1166903 exceeds limit of 76800

    You might ask for help with the psd image here on the forums but if you can't get an answer with a result you could try a google on it - there are several free image services

    To up load your files using the single file uploder go to the Up Load Tools area and and click on ( single file uploader ) a window pops up. upload your index.html and css file with out a selection.
    select the images folder created to save your images only.

    Notice that the index.html in your file manager is named index.htm to make the page your home page change index.htm to index.html in your file manager.. It tells you how there...

    This should be enough to get you started.. I'll check back and see how you're doing. Hopefully this wasn't confusing to you

    To upload by email -

    Email Your Files to Freewebs
    What it is
    You can now email image files as attachments, straight to your Freewebs account. Maybe someone sent you a bunch of pictures from a trip, or files for a class...simply forward those (as instructed below) and they'll appear in your Freewebs account.
    What you need
    There are only two things you need to email files into your account:
    1) The email address: save@freewebs.com.
    2) A verified Freewebs account. This means you have verified your primary email address in the My Account section.
    How it works
    1) Send an email with media file attachments to save@freewebs.com.
    2) The attached files will automatically upload to your Freewebs account.
    3) The files you upload to your account will appear in a folder called Emailed.
    4) You'll get a confirmation that the files have been received and stored in your account.

    Have more than one Freewebs account? In the Subject line of the email, simply add the username of the account to which you want the files uploaded.
    What files are allowed?
    Currently, only media files.
    Image Files: .jpg, .gif, .png
    Audio Files: .wav, .mp3, .midi, .mpeg
    Video Files: .mov, .avi, .wmv
    Flash Files: .swf
    Is there a file size limit?
    You can upload up to 10Mb of files at one time, so only attach up to 10Mb of files in each email. Also, remember that you have a storage limit on your account. You can track your webspace usage in the My Account section. If you need additional space, you can upgrade at any time in the Get Premium section of your account.


    BALKIS New Member

    Thanks alot but i think freewebs is a hassle for custom templates.