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Last Activity:
Aug 29, 2018
Jun 16, 2005
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Feb 1, 1981 (Age: 44)
Home Page:
Estonia, Tallinn


Administrator, Male, 44, from Estonia, Tallinn

Staff Member Director Verified Member

New website templates coming soon... Jun 16, 2016

Mimoun was last seen:
Aug 29, 2018
    1. Rochelle Padilla
      Rochelle Padilla
      Good day sir! I would want to ask something about the ' Ice Cream Website Template'. How would I change the menu-selected into another picture? Thank you!
      1. eran
        The image that you see when you 'hover' the menu items is taken from 'menu.gif'(search for the term "css sprite" in google).
        When you hover menu item this is a part of the css thant's 'happen' "background-position: 0 -1733px;"
        Oct 12, 2014
      2. eran
        if you want to change the image, try to 'play'(up&down) the '-1733px' param.
        Change the 'menu.gif' in the hover event, in the CSS(line 140 in style.css).

        Hope it will help.
        Oct 12, 2014
    2. joanaa
      hi sir mimoun
      1. Reznick likes this.
    3. sarak12
      Dear Mimoun,
      I like the Makeup Website Template idea and I want to make something similar. Can I use the idea behind this template I don't want to use something without copyright or illegally and that I might face legal issues.

      Kind Regards,
      1. Reznick likes this.
      2. Mimoun
        Jan 7, 2016
    4. kishorenadenla
      can u make the books forever html file to a blogger template
    5. aleardo
      excuse the trouble I wanted to know if the template cardiology is compatible with worpress because I can not load it into my themes. thank you for your attention Cortesa betti.aleardo @ tisclai.it
      1. eran
        If I understand you question right, all the templates I have seen here Are html & css only And not CMS compatible.
        Oct 12, 2014
    6. Asfan Durrani
      Asfan Durrani
      skype id asfan_deaf007
      w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / s m i l e d e a f l o l /
    7. Asfan Durrani
      Asfan Durrani
      Hiiii..... i am work in Html Css Jqver me have to me and Where are you Live?
    8. xRazz
      Sir message me in gmail my GMAIL is scorpzon981@gmail.com i have a request and i wish it will be free :D
    9. Márcio Carmo
      Márcio Carmo
    10. Mohan8502
      could you please tell me is there is nay free tool for editing HTML page and it CSS.
    11. Amrit Goel
      Amrit Goel
      Dear Sir,

      Downloading function is not working at your website at present..............

      1. hagafiz likes this.
    12. Gabrocom
      Please help!
      I downloaded your Coffe website template, but i need some new pages for my website. I want to change the colors of headline-?????.jpg, but i didn't do it. Could you send me a picture with brown background, or tell me what or where i donwload/make its?
    13. Erica Soule
      Erica Soule
      Hi Mimoun,
      I downloaded your Magic Tree template, which is adorable by the way, and I attempted to upload it to Weebly to use for my website. I keep getting this error message that says "main_style.css is missing", or something to that effect. I decided to just move to Wix in order to use your template, but once I signed up, it is nowhere to be found! I don't know what to do. Can you please help?
      1. hagafiz likes this.
    14. harry_wit
      1. hagafiz likes this.
    15. surow

      We are charity school in NL, I need template for us but can't post in request temp.
      Can you help? Thx.

      BTW I like your free web idea :)
      1. hagafiz likes this.
    16. Yamur
      Hi Mimoun,

      Your job is really great. I would like to know the process you start. Can you give courses in Web? I hope to answer me soon. Can I contact with you directly if that is possible?

      Thank you
    17. Stephen Portch
      Stephen Portch
      Hi Mimoun, I am new to 'FWT' and I have posted a message in the forum but no replies. I want to produce a big site of upto 30-50 pages, Is there any restriction of the amount of pages I can have? Also is there any restrictions on colours, images, logos, fonts etc? One last thing if I download the template is it my responsibility to host the website, or is the site hosted by FWT and all the content?
      Regards Steve P
    18. agabi80
      Hello. I downloaded your theme ( eternalbeautyessentialswebtemplate) and I can't uploaded on my server. This is the error that my server shows me (The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template)
      How can I solve this problem?
      Thank you.
    19. arijit ghosh
      arijit ghosh
      hi mimoun, i m trying to download some templates through this website bt its not granting me to do so... plz help wt can i do.. i want template code.... waiting......!!
      1. okan likes this.
      2. Mimoun
        Can you give me the exact link or template name?
        Apr 19, 2013
    20. caroline keddie
      caroline keddie
      Hi Mimoun
      I love your motion graphx template and want to start using it but I keep getting sent to the WIX page and these people do not seem to have this template as a simple editing choice

      can you help? I pressed the download and have a zip file that I cannot open either. I need it to be simple like the WIX site is and am so disappointed this template is not on there!

      1. okan likes this.
      2. Mimoun
        Hi Caroline,

        The motion graphx template does not work on Wix yet, we're working hard on making all the website templates work with Wix soon.
        Apr 19, 2013
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  • About

    Feb 1, 1981 (Age: 44)
    Home Page:
    Estonia, Tallinn
