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CSS Different Between CSS and CSS3

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by andlosek, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. andlosek

    andlosek New Member

    I am started learning CSS from last week from a Video tutorial. I am wondering what,s the main difference between CSS and CSS3.If anyone can help.
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    CSS 3 is the new version of CSS with new features while still keeping all the features from the older version (CSS 2.1).

    Most features of CSS 3 you can already use as most modern browsers already support it. You can find a list on quirksmode as to which features are already supported by which browsers.
  3. andlosek

    andlosek New Member

    Hi Mimon,
    Thanks for your information.Now clear about the concept.
  4. Michaelpina

    Michaelpina New Member

    CSS3 is an upgraded version of CSS. CSS3 has some new elements like box shadows, border images which are not available in CSS. You can easily add multiple backgrounds in a webpage with CSS3, which requires various div and HTML tags while you code with CSS. With CSS, you need to use various hacks to produce the opacity effect. With CSS3 new opacity feature you can easily do it in just one simple step.
  5. alice789

    alice789 New Member

    The biggest difference between CSS2 and CSS3 is that CSS3 has been split up into different sections, called modules. Each of these modules is making it's way through the W3C in various stages of the recommendation process. CSS2 was submitted as a single document with all the Cascading Style Sheets information within it. Because each of the modules is being worked on individually, we have a much wider range of browser support for CSS3 modules.
  6. infodev

    infodev New Member

    CSS3 on there new Properties Testing as shadows
  7. Real View Like

    Real View Like New Member

    CSS have no of limited features but CSS3 have upgradation with many advance features.
  8. joomlaites

    joomlaites New Member

    CSS has various levels and profiles. Each level of CSS builds upon the last, typically adding new features and typically denoted as CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3. Profiles are typically a subset of one or more levels of CSS built for a particular device or user interface. Currently there are profiles for mobile devices, printers, and television sets. Profiles should not be confused with media types which were added in CSS2.

    CSS3 has been split up into different sections, called modules. The W3C maintains a CSS3 progress report. As with the evolving XHTML specification, CSS3 is modularized and will consist of several separate Recommendations. An Introduction to CSS3 roadmap will be the starting point.
  9. Lousie

    Lousie New Member

    CSS is basically represents updates to the language, style and layout of webpages. CSS3 is updated features of version 2.1. It is in the modules, which split the old features into the parts in modules.
  10. Evelyn M

    Evelyn M New Member

    CSS3 has been split up into different sections, called modules. Each of these modules is making it's way through the W3C in various stages of the recommendation process.

    CSS was submitted as a single document with all the Cascading Style Sheets information within it. Because each of the modules is being worked on individually, we have a much wider range of browser support for CSS3 modules
  11. daviddakarai

    daviddakarai Member

    CSS have no of limited features but CSS3 have upgradation of many features in CSS
  12. Larjoe

    Larjoe New Member

    Thanks for clearing that. I had a thought time telling the difference :)