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Ready Soccer Program Logo Request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by MVHS_Soccer, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Bonjour to all, first thank you for taking the time to read this. Even if you do not or are unable to create a logo, I appreciate your time. The kids for this program are trying to change what everyone thinks of them and are trying to do what everyone says they can't. They are told that they can't change and they can never be winners. I recently started helping with this program and I wanted to do my part in helping them prove others wrong in some way or another and I was hoping with a crest to stand behind, that process might be able to have something to be proud of as they prove others wrong.

    1)What is the exact name you would like in your logo?

    The words can vary throughout the crest. For the name it could be Midland Valley Mustangs or Midland Valley Soccer

    2)What is your website address (ex: http:/site .com/; Site Name)?


    3) Description of your website or business:

    The site is for the school, but the logo would be used for the Boys Soccer Program. It would be used on letters, shirts, and other materials that go along with the program.

    4)Search the Internet for any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey

    the style you are looking for?

    Style 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_F.C.

    Opinion: I like the simplicity of the logo. Our colors are Royal Blue and Orange so the color scheme is similar to what the final product could possibly look like. So the words from Q1 could fit very similarly.

    Style 2: http://davfal.powweb.com/goalWA/bestcrest2012/storm_king_soccer_500.jpg

    Opinion: It just has a different rigid look to it compared to the normal everyday crest you see from the old school clubs. As my wife said, "it sure is different" whether that's good or bad, I'm not sure haha. Midland Valley could be the words and instead of mountains, it could be a Mustang.

    5)Requested size of your logo:

    The logo will be used on warm up shirts and possibly even the jerseys

    6)Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright

    This is the logo used by the school on the helmets, field, and on nearly everything. It may. E possible to incorporate it, but I am not sure how. ( link: www.hsgamecenter.com/img/logos/schools/a5fb426b952d4acc8031e401235fa6b2.png. )

    Otherwise, I could see using a mustang within the crest in the center (Crest 1) or above the words (Crest 2)

    Link 1: http://www.discountmugs.com/cliparts/detail/10905.jpg (I think that's a water mark on it, but the school uses the same one soooo are they doing something illegal??? Hmmm......

    Link 2: http://www.the3dstudio.com/download...ile_guid=e6eb041c-43c0-4c9a-97e5-9b84703821f0. (It just looks cool)

    7)What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?

    Text and Image. The program is trying to grow and by having a nice crest people will understand it is about midland valley soccer which is something that will help grow community interest.

    8)What colors do you want to see in your logo?

    Primary School colors are Royal Blue and Orange. Black or White could be used as well, but other than a small dash of bright green or red where needed, I would like to stay with the primary.

    9)What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?

    No pink, burgundy, dark green, or silver. It's colors used by the other schools in the district.

    10)Describe the target audience for your logo

    This should be geared towards older teenagers (16+) and adults.

    11)What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?

    Give the feel of an established program, make the program seem fresh and new to the community, and show that the program is here to stay.

    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?

    The logo will be used on letters, flyers, t-shirts, dry-fit shirts, and possibly on uniforms.

    13)Do you have other info or links you want to share?

    Soccer is my amour. I have began helping with the program recently and they are trying to grow. The program was re-established a few years ago and the kids are fighting to make the program successful. They want to be something the community can be proud of and get rid of their nickname of the valley rats. To me, these guys having a crest to go along with the facelift their school is doing may help change what they are soon as.

    14)Finally we need is there a style font you prefer, please let us know.

    No real preference, just don't go too crazy

    Once again, thank you for taking a moment to look over this request even if nothing comes of it and I will continue with my part in the reviews.
    Dawn likes this.
  2. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Is there something that I need to change?
  3. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    @MVHS_Soccer Your request looks pretty comprehensive! It may just be that the designers are a little busy with other projects at the moment. Give this a bit of time and they may be coming over to your request soon! :)
    MVHS_Soccer likes this.
  4. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    I will have a bash at this over the weekend, so don't despair, all that can help will (just give them time)
    Ruthe likes this.
  5. Sean

    Sean Active Member

    I'll try to do a sketch on this
  6. Mark

    Mark Illustrator

    Working on it
  7. Archel

    Archel Active Member

    Working on it
  8. Ian

    Ian Vector Enthusiast

    on this...
  9. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Thanks guys. I get a little ancy sometimes
  10. Rico

    Rico Active Member

    will do sketch studies on this...
  11. Archel

    Archel Active Member

    Hi @MVHS_Soccer here are my sketches i'll be posting the digital version ASAP
    Photo on 7-2-14 at 11.48 AM copy.jpg Photo on 7-2-14 at 3.01 PM.jpg Photo on 7-2-14 at 11.47 AM copy.jpg
  12. Rico

    Rico Active Member

    @MVHS_Soccer, i have posted here my sketches, will be posting my digital version on those sketches soon...

    MV mustang sketch.jpg
  13. Archel

    Archel Active Member

    @MVHS_Soccer Here are the digital version of my design...

    AA_LO_0015_raw.jpg AA_LO_0015_V2.jpg
    Ian, Sean, Rico and 1 other person like this.
  14. Rico

    Rico Active Member

    Ian and Sean like this.
  15. Mark

    Mark Illustrator

  16. Mark

    Mark Illustrator

    Ian and Sean like this.
  17. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Thank you all so much for taking a go at my complicated request. I'm on a time fix so i a only taking a quick glance but the artwork looks amazing. When I get home I'll get back on and talk a little more. Once again guys, thanks for your hard work
  18. Sean

    Sean Active Member

    Bonjour monsieur,
    Hello Sir, here are my mock-up designs for your soccer team for you to choose,


    Midland Valley Soccer -3.jpg Midland Valley Soccer -4.jpg Midland Valley Soccer -5.jpg Midland Valley Soccer -6.jpg Midland Valley Soccer -7.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Michael and Ian like this.
  19. Ian

    Ian Vector Enthusiast

    here's mine...

    Photo on 7-7-14 at 10.14 AM.jpg
    Rico likes this.
  20. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Thank you all for working on my request. So far I am liking how the 1st digital post by @Archel looks.

    I like the entire look of the 1st image, but how would it look if the ball and swoosh were within the shield itself? I like the image as it stands for use on letters, shirts, etc, but if the image was used on a jersey I do not know how it would work with having the excess outside of the shield.

    Basically what I am trying to say in my jumble of words is:
    1: Your first image is perfect for shirts, letters, and etc
    2: Is there a jersey friendly version that is slightly compacted to just the shield itself? (When using only the shield itself, I would be leaving off "Midland Valley Mustangs" due to one of the team jerseys are Royal Blue so the words would be unreadable)

    Sidenote: Oddly it reminds me (No idea why) of the penn state soccer logo. I think it may be due to the white lines on the Mustang and Ball = the white lines on the lions. Im old my brain goes all over the place. Confondre [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
    Rico likes this.
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