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Websites Review my responsive site

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by ace2011, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. ace2011

    ace2011 Member

    i have create a responsive site with mario flash games, http://marioflashgame.com/
    I try to keep it simple but beautiful.

    Please take a look and let me know what do you think, also i want to know if there is any problems with different mobile devices.

    Bannay likes this.
  2. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    Hi Chris, and thanks for destroying any hope of productivity I may have had for the rest of the day :ROFLMAO:

    That said, the blue background is great, very appropriate for Mario. I'll start with the minor suggestions first: The page header area could perhaps do with a little stylizing – maybe a simple logo or header image of some sort instead of just plain text. The striped background in the advertising area seems a little random as well.

    However if mobile is gonna be a big part of your plans you might want to get hold of a few different devices so you can test your site as you go. This is what it presently looks like on Safari (iPhone):


    The word 'Advertisement' looks very blurry until you zoom in on it, for some reason. Also as you can see your game images are stacked one on top of the other; the game names start to overlap the images further down the page. I'm assuming this is not how it's meant to look.

    Final suggestion: I'm sure you already know this, but iDevices do not natively support Flash, so if you're intending to target iPhone/iPad etc users as well, you might want to display text in place of the games that suggests the user access the site via an alternative Flash-enabled browser such as Puffin or Skyfire. Otherwise, putting this information in an FAQ page or something would also be useful.

    Hope this input helps! :)
    TheClandestine likes this.
  3. ace2011

    ace2011 Member

    Hi Dawn
    why do i "destroying any hope of productivity" ? :)

    thank you for the great review, it helps alot.
    I have test the site with nexus 10 and an android phone and was ok, not perfect but ok
    but from what i see from your iphone screenshot there is a disaster :(
  4. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    Well I wouldn't want to alarm you unnecessarily, so perhaps it is just my phone? Although as far as I know I'm not running anything that might make my Safari display differently. If you run your website on an online emulator it seems to be perfectly fine! :)
  5. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    I agree with what Dawn said. A logo might be just what you need. Besides that you may modify the background a bit with cartoonish clouds that the Mario games have. It might blend with the theme pretty well. I would also recommend to remove the stripe area from the background. The mobile responsiveness seems to be working well for me.
  6. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    Hello, might I suggest a splash of red somewhere within the background or also the idea kanakdbz had about the cartoonish clouds. I had no issue with blurring. Overall I do like the simple layout and look you have.
  7. Gingerbread

    Gingerbread New Member


    nice site Chris! It looks clean and simple which i really like. It also works fine with my 4,7" android phone.
    But im missing a little bit of information under the flash windows when playing a game, like the controls, author or a description of the games.
  8. IrishDreamer

    IrishDreamer New Member


    I like your color scheme. It goes well with the Mario theme. Although, I agree that a header area with a design element, maybe including a graphic from the game or something similar along with the page name or a logo that incorporates an "M" for Mario in some way might grab visitors attention a little better. I also liked the earlier suggestion to remove the stripes from the top of the page and possibly insert some clouds or another Mario like graphic instead.

    I tried your site on firefox for Mac, safari for Mac, safari and dolphin browser on the Ipad Mini, and safari and dolphin browser on my Iphone 5. The site worked well on all platforms except for the Iphone 5. My results were the same as the screen shot Dawn posted. Also, some sort of notice or warning of the need for flash or an alternate suggestion might be appropriate for those trying to use your site on an Ipad/Iphone.
  9. rexT

    rexT New Member

    Chris, your website looks nice and simple. However, if you intend to expand your project, you should definitely think of a logo.