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Introducing myself

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by WebmasterEric, May 7, 2014.

  1. WebmasterEric

    WebmasterEric New Member

    I have just launched my business and am looking for some feed back on my site. The site just launched a week ago and I am still making cosmetic changes, but any additional ideas would be awesome. The site is www.andersondigitaldesign.com.
  2. Paul

    Paul Marketing Manager

    Hi and welcome to the forums.

    As a web design company, your website will be the first selling point that potential customers see and benchmark. Web design has evolved over the years and it would probably be in your favor to upgrade your design to a modernized feel.

    Feel free to use any of our templates if you like any of the designs.

    Also, displaying testimonials on your homepage will help to add trust to your site.
    Ruthe likes this.