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Legacy Minor Hockey Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by djbear, Jan 14, 2007.

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  1. djbear

    djbear New Member

    I have been asked to request a Logo Redo for the following...

    Seen below...

    We are going to make Change Room Door Signs.
    We have been advised that we cannot use the Current Logo
    (but something Simular

    Would like it to Read...

    Tyke White Thunder and one for Tyke Blue Thunder
    If we can get the Text to read as the First LMHA Lettering
    And whatever you can think of for a Logo

    Attached Files:

  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Your Logo, Hockey Team.

    Here, I made 2 let me know what you think,
    I can change anything that you want.

    Attached Files:

  3. djbear

    djbear New Member

    Love the Text Pez!

    Can you do something With his type of Cloud & Yellow Lightning coming from the Hands?

    Attached Files:

  4. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Hi, I saw that you were in need of a new logo, so I came up with one too.


    Let me know...Thanks:)
  5. djbear

    djbear New Member

    lmfrench, awsome

    Can I get one with the White in it? (Also) and Bigger?
    These are to go on magnetic door signs about 8.5 * 11
    or in your case Landscape of 11* 8.5
  6. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member


    Yep, no problem...



    These are really big...lol, but they will fit nicely on an 8.5 X 11in page at the top or even in the middle...if you have problems with them, let me know and I can give you the direct link to them to view/copy and paste them.
  7. djbear

    djbear New Member

    Awsome Lisa, Thanks!!!
    Do you have any type of Link you would like me to add to our posters?

    BTW, can you do something with the Wedding DJ Logo (previous Thread)
  8. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

  9. djbear

    djbear New Member

    Thanks Lisa!
  10. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Very nice work lisa!

    I really like that font on the logo aswell, what is it called?
  11. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Thanks Scoooooty the font name is Aftershock Debris.
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