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Flash Can someone help me with...

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by websitecrazed, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. websitecrazed

    websitecrazed New Member

    ...changing information on a flash template I just downloaded. I have all the photos I just need to get my logo placed in the headed where they have the template advertising. Someone made mention something about a ".fla" file and whether or not I have this. Can someone advise what I'm looking for in the account management area that identifies whether or not I have a fla file?

  2. Chef Boy

    Chef Boy New Member

    I guess I'm confused what you're asking... a fla file is just a file with a .fla suffix, you can open it up if you have the same or newer version of flash that the file was made in. As far as changing a logo, just go in the image library and change what picture it is
  3. hkrish

    hkrish New Member

    hi you need to contact with export in flash designs, he will explain you wall.