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Music Artist Website Template

Discussion in 'Free Website Templates' started by Mimoun, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Today's new template is geared towards artistes while also suitable for bands, DJs and those looking for a space-themed template.


    Download - View
    Web design sub pages:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This website template will work with all modern web browsers.

    What is included:
    • HTML files source code
    • CSS file source code
    • Images: compressed versions
    • The design source, in this case, the PSD files
    • Sliced PSD file (Photoshop source design)
    Third party Stock Photos licensed from Veer:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Third party fonts used:
    Font details coming soon.......

    Credit details coming soon......

    Design version 2
    Code version 3

    Download - View
    Gregory likes this.
  2. hieproly

    hieproly New Member

    hi looking her!! very sexy with nice eyes.
  3. martin j makarick

    martin j makarick New Member

    Looking into the free website templates for the first time today.
    Will have to play around with it to see if I can use it to promote original music by
    various artists including myself .
  4. sdananjaya

    sdananjaya New Member

    its max
  5. atomicheartfather

    atomicheartfather New Member

    Need one for Pink Floyd
  6. nataliedo

    nataliedo New Member

    I am trying to use this template for a website that I'm putting together via WordPress. Every time I go to upload the template and I am told

    "The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the <code>style.css</code> stylesheet.
    Theme install failed."

    Everywhere I look people are saying that I need to compress the theme folder into a .zip, but I don't see a .zip file. I'm an audio engineer and not a web designer so I'm a bit in over my head. Am I missing something totally obvious? I'd appreciate any and all help. Thank you!!