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Services Web site and Email advice

Discussion in 'General' started by Clint Davies, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    So eventually I plan to set up a web site and several email addresses for my football club and I'm looking for advice as I want a website that will have the address of www.haydonwickfootballclub.com and the same for my email addresses as in for example Chairman@haydonwickfootballclub. The website I require will be pretty basic as I want intro page then a few more pages you can click on for rules contacts etc.

    So my question is does anyone have any recommendations on a company that can supply these for me I need it to be cheap and not difficult to use as I'm no genius when it comes to computer stuff.
  2. tomw

    tomw Member

    Hi Clint, that's a nice logo you got from CP.

    I believe all paid hosting companies will provide email boxes where you can set up accounts such as the one you want. Free hosting companies probably don’t give you email accounts.

    Check out this list and see if you can find one you like:

    Once you signed up with one and if you need help in setting up your site, maybe I can help.
  3. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Thanks for your response tomw and yes that logo from CP was fantastic i spent most of the week end showing it to my friends lol. I will take a look into that link you have posted for me and let you know how i get on :)

    Your signature is the field of dreams right ?

    Many Thanks

    Clint Davies
  4. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Just had a look in and it is all very confusing and worrying for me :( So many add ons that boost the price etc and i have to be honest i don't understand a great deal of it.
  5. tomw

    tomw Member

    Yes, it’s the quote I stole from that film. I hope they are not going to come after me.

    I use it to promote my project – if you built it with my CMS, they will come to your website ;)

    Clever huh?

    Do not add anything else to your account when you sign up, just keep the basic hosting. Some let you opt out with money back if you are not satisfied but you will need to pay for the domain name though, which is separate from hosting.
  6. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Yeah i like that quote as my mother used to love watching that film when i was a kid ! I have watched it over 100 times and still can sit and watch it lol

    Thanks for the advice :)

    My wife made a valid point earlier on and it was i don't need the site to go live until May/june 2013 so is it possible to create a web site but keep it dormant till that time ?
  7. tomw

    tomw Member

    You could sign up with free hosting to set up you website now and to get one with your domain later. Here I put together a list of free hosting:

    http://w-cms.org/?p=15&link=7&cat=Free Hosting

    Maybe you could find one yourself too by searching for free hosting.

    I would suggest 000webhost. They are fast and reliable. The site you set up will stay dormant unless you tell the world about it.
  8. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Yes I think that sounds like the best idea. Thanks for your help I will take a look when I get home.
  9. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    I joined that site you recommended but it won't let me log in as it says my user name is incorrect :(
  10. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Got it working now lol
  11. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Well i got it up and running but i don't have a clue what to do :( I'm so thick !
  12. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Weebly is another free one. I'm absolutely useless when it comes to coding etc. but still managed to come up with something suitable for myself.

  13. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    I'm going to have another crack at it today as I know what I want it's just putting it together as I get wound up easily when I can't get things done easily ! I need to work on my patience lol. One thing I have struggled with is getting the white background off the badge as I want it to be a solid circle so I can put it onto coloured background.
  14. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    Had another go today but still no joy this thing is well and truely beating me :(
  15. tomw

    tomw Member

    Weebly probably is another free hosting that you could try out. Since you have already gotten an account with 000webhost so lets just set up your website with it.

    If you know how to use FTP then do the following:

    Download index.zip from my project site:

    Unpack install.zip and you will get a file named install.php

    Use your FTP program to access your account and click on public_html folder (directory).
    Upload install.php into this folder.

    Access your website from your browser and you should see the file install.php.
    Click on it and if you agree with what it said then click on Install Trade-Th Site Builder and a website with the default layout will be shown. We could create a different layout if you wish.

    If you are unable to use FTP then you need to add install.php into public_html folder by either uploading it from your PC or creating it by using the file editor. Here is how:

    First log into your account and click on Go to CPanel – at the Files section click on File Manager and a list of folders and files should be shown.

    Click on public_html. If this is the first time you access this folder, there should not be any files or folders listed.

    If you have already downloaded install.php then you can use the upload function provided and upload it; otherwise you can create install.php and do a copy and paste the codes below into the file:

    $version = "ttsb-03";
        echo "Info:<br>";
            echo "Trade-Th Site Builder is sucessfully installed/updated if no errors reported.</h3><br /><br />Click <a href='./index.php'>here</a> to access the site";
        echo "<h3>Trade-Th Site Template Installation</h3>
    <form method='post' action='install.php'>
    Template Name: <input name='install' value='' />
    <p><br /><input type='submit' value='Install Template' /></p>
    else echo "<h3>Trade-Th Site Builder Installation</h3>
    <span style='font-size: large'>
        This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.
    <br/><br/>    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt'>GNU General Public License</a> for more details.
    <h3><span style='color: red'>DO NOT INSTALL</span> Trade-Th Site Builder <span style='color: red'>IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE ABOVE!</span></h3>
    <form method='post' action='install.php'>
    <input type='hidden' name='install' value='$version' />
    <p><br /><input type='submit' value='Install Trade-Th Site Builder' /></p>
    function install($name)
                    echo "This directory is not writable by Trade-Th Site Builder: <br /><br />";
                    echo "Please set it to 0777 or set owner to Trade-Th Site Builder installer and then click <a href='install.php'>here</a> to try again.";
        if($name == $version)
                echo "<h3 style='color:red'>Trade-Th was already installed!</h3>";
            echo "<h3 style='color:red'>$name was already downloaded!</h3>";
            echo "Downloading...";
        $zipfile = file_get_contents("http://wcms.googlecode.com/files/$name.zip");
            echo "<h3 style='color:red'>Error in getting content!</h3>";
            $fp = fopen("temp.zip", 'w+');
                    echo "<h3 style='color:red'>Can't create files in directory ".getcwd()."</h3>";
            fwrite($fp, $zipfile);
            $num = extractZip("temp.zip","");
            echo "<h3>$num files added/updated.</h3>";
            return $num;
    function extractZip( $zipFile = '', $dirFromZip = '' )
        define(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/');
        $zipDir = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        $installed = 0;
        if (is_dir("main"))
        $zip = zip_open($zipDir.$zipFile);
        $num = 0;
        if ($zip)
            while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))
                $completePath = $zipDir . dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry));
                $fname = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
                $completeName = "$zipDir$fname";
                        if ($installed) continue;
                // Walk through path to create non existing directories
                // This won't apply to empty directories ! They are created further below
                if(!file_exists($completePath) && preg_match( '#^' . $dirFromZip .'.*#', dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)) ) )
                    $tmp = '';
                    foreach(explode('/',$completePath) AS $k)
                        $tmp .= $k.'/';
                        if(!file_exists($tmp) )
                            @mkdir($tmp, 0777);
                if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r"))
                    if( preg_match( '#^' . $dirFromZip .'.*#', dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)) ) )
                        if ($fd = @fopen($completeName, 'w+'))
                            fwrite($fd, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)));
                            // We think this was an empty directory
                            mkdir($completeName, 0777);
        return $num;

    Now access install.php same as above.
  16. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

    I got it uploaded but not sure where i go from there.
  17. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

  18. tomw

    tomw Member

    I can help you with that if you allow to use that template.

    Btw, can you give us the link to your site?
  19. Clint Davies

    Clint Davies Member

  20. tomw

    tomw Member

    Great! I see you successfully installed my CMS. However, the template that you would like to use is very difficult to adapt as they use images for navigation. For example, for the Home page they use this image:


    if you select a different page, the Home page image will change to this:


    So each time you add or change a page you need to create new images for it. I think this is very difficult to maintain.

    Instead, you may want to use one from open source templates. There are many sites provide such service. You may look through some of them that I put together here:

    Some members here also share their open source templates in this section here:

    Of course you can use one from this site. After all this site's main purpose is to provide free website templates :)

    Let me know if you find one you like to use.
    Clint Davies likes this.