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Websites Please review my Website

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by MALLA, May 19, 2012.


How is the site?

Poll closed Jan 24, 2013.
  1. Good

  2. Bad

    0 vote(s)
  1. MALLA

    MALLA New Member

    Please visit my website, and let me know what I should improve on to drive more traffic and to keep visitors in the site for longer!
    The bad sides and good sides of it.
    Please i would appreciate your help.
  2. chemikal

    chemikal New Member

    not bad. colors are a little bright, but im guessing that it has to do with team colors or something. pages load quickly. couple things that i noticed was in the slideshow on the main page, the pictures keep shifting over more and more where you see more and more of the previous picture. also, on the games page, cant tell if the pictures of the games are cut off because of the way that they are shifted to the left. might look better if they can be centered. other than that, looks good.
    MALLA likes this.
  3. MALLA

    MALLA New Member

    Thanxx Alot!!
    I will improve on the points you have mentioned.
  4. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Your title
    <title>SL CRICKET</title>
    Google allows 66 characters (including spaces)
    <META name="description" content="Cricket">
    Google allows 150 characters (including spaces)
    another site title and description
    <title>International Cricket 2010 Official Heroes HD video game trailer PS3
    Xbox - YouTube</title>

    <meta name="description" content="http://www.gamezplay.org - Complete with all new Action Cam that will take gamers right onto the pitch and into the heat of battle, Codemasters today announc...">
    notice how they excite the visitor to play
    hope this helps
  5. Pamela Massey

    Pamela Massey New Member


    I have looked at the website and love the bright colours - makes it inviting and interesting without even starting.

    My preference would be to have the navigation running left to right across the top, or sectioned over to the left hand side - seems to appear as a balck bar across the top with a list going down. (sorry for not knowing the technical terms).

    Only main point is on the front page - I like a full but not over busy page so wondered if an image could be used to pulg gaps around the text.

    Hope this helps
  6. nella81

    nella81 New Member

    I like the site and the charicature looks good too, the blue is a little bit in your face maybe tone the blue down to a darker less striking blue and im a little unsure about the sl cricket badge you have, im confused what the splattered paint has to do with cricket? perhaps you could incorporate cricket theme into your badge too
  7. Richey Back

    Richey Back New Member

    Hi ,

    I'm not an expert in how to build sites so can only judge from a user point of view but seems fine to me; pages load very quickly and while colours are bright they do not in anyway affect viewing text or resolution and after all they are the SL colours.

    I'm a big cricket fan and found the info on their fresh and current ... also as mentioned by others loved the Sanga caricature.

    Excellent website ... stored in my favourites for future browsing :)

  8. RFJ

    RFJ New Member

    Have you heard that CONTENT IS KEY?

    What that mean is, you need to have original content which makes you interesting. You dont!

    I did a quick search and found more than 95% of your content is copied from Island Cricket.

    That's not good.

    Because you are using Blogger, the owners of the content can report you and Google, who own Blogger, will shut you down. And there goes all your time and effort!
  9. donluigi86

    donluigi86 New Member


    Not much of a cricket fan but on reviewing your website i'd agree with some of the other comments that the colours are a little bright and off-putting. But....most importantly......I really agree with RFJ regarding the above content.....I have previously established and maintained two blogs discussing UK politics and I found that having fresh and updated content was key in generating unique and frequent visitors. I did, from time to time, fall into the trap of regurgitating content from elsewhere on the web, but if you're not explicitly saying that your blog/website is an "aggregate" of cricket news across the web then you could fall into issues re: copyright........
  10. robert wallace

    robert wallace New Member

    your site looks good, plenty of information. slideshows on the home page need to be a bit better formatted as the previous picture can still be seen when the new one shows. Apart from that well done.
  11. leekerno

    leekerno New Member

    I like the colours, made it clear to read. The quick news link to twitter is good as well. The only down comment would be the news moves too quickly, some of it I didnt finish reading x
  12. camcan

    camcan New Member

    Hi took a look at you website all in all looks very good. the colours are perfect for the topic and the home page is really informative i do agree with the comment above about the pictures and the news real being a bit to fast other than that i enjoyed all the articles on the site and i found it really informative( i don't follow cricket) i enjoyed looking at the site and wish you all the best
  13. Justin Hardy

    Justin Hardy Member

    I have had a look.

    As I scroll down the pages I find the page layout confuses me abit, perhaps lining things up would help?
    Can I suggest changing the blue in the background and making it either White or light green (like a cricket pitch) just to soften it up a bit!?

    Otherwise it looks pretty good.
  14. david71990

    david71990 New Member

    Good looking site but the pictures and layout at the bottom are a little messy and would look much better with a simple frame round the pictures in order to break them up from the bright colours or even if they had a raised effect!
  15. CharlieBeach4

    CharlieBeach4 New Member

    the colours may be a bit bright but its what you like?
    think it looks good! keep it up