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Legacy New Football Club Badge

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Robbo, May 20, 2012.

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  1. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    Hi, I am looking for some help and advise on creating a badge for a new football club that will be entering the Mid Lancs League for the 2012/13 season.

    1. What is the exact name you would like in your logo?
    Our name is Cottam Corinthians Football Club, which is a little long so CCFC was discussed but the word Corinthians needs to be predominant. Sorry for not being exact.

    2. What is your website address.
    www.clubwebsite.co.uk/cottamcorinthiansfc/243668/home the website is brand new and a work in progress.

    3. Description of your website or business.
    Amateur football club.

    4. Search the internet for any logos/designs that you feel convey the style you are looking for.
    corinthian helmet.JPG images.jpg swansea badge.jpg Derby_County badge.png Millwall Badge.jpg
    we're looking to use a Corinthians helmet with plume in the style of the Swansea, Derby, Millwall badge.

    5. Requested size of logo.
    It will be used on the club website, Team kit and as part of a letter head so we're open to suggestions.

    6. Do you have any copyright free images/photos that can be used for the logo.
    No, sorry.

    7. What logo styles do you like.
    Text & Image

    8. What colours do you want to see in your logo.
    Our club colours are orange and black.

    9. What colours do you NOT want to see in your logo.
    Red. Blue. Green.

    10. Desribe the target audience for logo.
    Potential new players. Lads in their late teens, early twenties.

    11. What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo.
    We are Corinthians. So something strong, simple and memorable.

    12. Where will the logo be used.
    On the team kit, training kit, club website, possibly facebook/Twitter.

    13. Do you have any other info or links you would like to share.

    14. The style of font you prefer.
    Flexible. Bold and simple.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Once again, hi Mark! :)

    As mentioned in my other post to Julie, we can accomodate you with a team crest.
    "All we ask in return is that you help out around the forum. Perhaps by answering website review requests (from a regular Joe /Joanne Public's point of view)"

    Take a look here
  3. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    Hi there! Thank you for the quick response. I'll get on tonight and have a go at the review requests and see if i come across anything else i can contribute to.
  4. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Hi Robbo

    I have done this in anticipation that you follow the forum rules :D

    Your thoughts?

    C COR.png
  5. Osman

    Osman Member

    I thought it'd be a good joke on your team if you made them all wear kits with your face on it...
    david71990 and CovertPea like this.
  6. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    Very good osman i'll suggest it to them. wow forest quick work! Our peg produced this today: CORINTHIAN LOGO 3.png got to be honest, i really like it..i need your help to tweak it though. It needs to be orange/Tangerine, think Holland or Blackpool, on a black sheild to frame it, with orange border or vise versa.
  7. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    I'm going to put your design to the chairman if thats ok 1970Forest, ultimately it will go to the vote. Thank you!
  8. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    I'm off to 7 a-side, i'll check out the review requests later when the kiddiewinks are in bed.....
  9. Osman

    Osman Member

    How about this then?
  10. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    The colours are spot on osman but i was looking at a more traditional shape shield, and its CottAm. Thank you anyway!
  11. Osman

    Osman Member

    Link us some pics of the 'traditional shaped shield' I could put it on that for you.
  12. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Something along this line?
    david71990 likes this.
  13. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    yes! Perfect, Thank you. How do i download it so it can be emailed to the kit company? I'll get reviewing as requested.
  14. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Zipped file is attached. Contains crest in both PNG format and PDF.
    Please let me know when you have it downloaded so I can remove it from the forum.

  15. Robbo

    Robbo New Member

    Got it! Thank you very much. I thought it would take weeks to find a badge, if ever. Thank you!
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