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Web Design Unwanted Red Border Around Picture

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Alec Armstrong, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Alec Armstrong

    Alec Armstrong New Member

    Hi - I was hoping that someone could please help me. I have downloaded a template which I am extremely happy with, however, I get an annoying red colored border around a picture that I inserted. I am not sure how to get rid of it. I have tried lines like border="0" in the image insert command as below:
    <img alt="Screen shot of Division Tutor" height="363" src="images/page1.gif" width="460" border="0" class="auto-style9">
    The class auto-style9 contains:
    All of these lines I inserted in an attempt to remove the border. However, this does not work.

    This leads me to suspect that it is something else causing the border. Please can anyone suggest what the problem is? I attach a picture which shows the red border.

    Thank you very much for any helpful suggestions as to how I can get rid of this!

    PS - I am using Microsoft Expression 4.0

    Attached Files:

  2. Alec Armstrong

    Alec Armstrong New Member

    Hi - I worked out the answer. My CSS style sheet had a "hard to find" tag that for some reason had been selected to draw a border around images.
  3. ezinemart

    ezinemart New Member

    Check all css classes inherited in your code for that particular image