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Legacy Photography Biz need logo help please!

Discussion in 'Archived' started by missk226, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. missk226

    missk226 New Member

    Please let me preface this with the fact that this is my third time trying to post - I'm having technical difficulties so I apologize if this is going to appear three different times!!

    First, let me say this is a really cool website! I love the idea of a community where you can share and help others from across the world - what a cool idea!! Second, I would really like to get a logo for new photography business and would appreciate all the help I can get as I've been trying to work on this for a few months now and my creative juices do NOT lie in this direction so kudos to those of you who may be reading this to help out! Here are they questions answers below and thank you in advance for your help and thank you for even reading this thread!
    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?
    Kendall Nickerson Photography

    2) What is your website address (ex: http:/site .com/; Site Name)?
    It will be Kendallnickersonphotography.com but I don't have it up an running I was hoping to make it work with logo :)
    3) Description of your website or business:
    Family photography business offering all photography services from maternity, newborn, family, wedding, senior, group and wedding pictures.

    4) Search the Internet for any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey
    the style you are looking for?
    I've had trouble with this as I like the look of artistic cameras like these:

    But I love the look of the simple elegance in these!

    I guess I'm having the most trouble because I want fun and differnt but really want the class and elegance to shine brighter in my logo. I also want simple in my watermark for my photos but am open to anything for my biz card/logo so that is difficult as well.
    5) Requested size of your logo:
    It will be used as a watermark, for biz cards and my website.
    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    This is where the above problem comes in I like the camera images above but don't want them to be to silly or quirky so that it takes away from my business name.

    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?
    Again, I'm not to sure here I'm open to a camera image and text or text only with simple graphics like these:
    or maybe my initials in one and then my full name?

    Honestly this is obviously where I'm very indecisive and confused!

    8) What colors do you want to see in your logo?
    Black and white seem to show up better on photographs but personally I love silver/grey and blues or teals and purples :)

    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?
    I'm not a huge fan of pink.

    10) Describe the target audience for your logo
    Adults - family oriented from high to low income ranges.

    11) What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?
    I am fun and quirky but would like class and elegance to shine through the most I am trying to target higher income families but want all to feel comfortable that I am a serious professional.
    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?
    I am using these as my watermark (both picasa and photoshop elements), business cards, brochures, facebook and my website for starters :)

    13) Do you have other info or links you want to share?
    I'm hoping I haven't bombarded you with links as it is!

    14) Finally we need is there a style font you prefer, please let us know.
    I usually use Edwardian Script for my name (I like the elegant scroll work but am not necessarily attached to this if you have a better idea) and Gabriola for the 'photography' just for a easy to read look - I also would like my name larger than the photography if possible.

    Thank you again so much and I appreciate any help you could give me or if you can just point me in the right direction! Also feel free to respond back via the post or email me questions at missk226@aol.com
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    here is one to get things started considering all the examples you have posted and thanks for the reviews.
    maybe from this we can zero in on what you want and others will be able to jump in and help out.


  3. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Thanks for helping out already!

    Here are a few ideas that I'm playing around with. Let me know if any of these are along the lines of what you're looking for!

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    Aumunique Photography likes this.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    missk226 I'm somewhat confused, you asked for help on a logo, cynthiajwang and I posted up some ideas and yet you haven't responded but have logged in to the forum 3 - 5 times. Do you not require a logo anymore?
  5. missk226

    missk226 New Member

    I'm very sorry I thought I had already responded - for some reason sometimes when I go to send a response my response gets deleted (very frustrating) finally I learned to copy and paste and save onto word before so here is what I had written, sorry again and thanks for your help!
    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I know this is going to be the hard part because I don't want to be too picky when you are doing me such a favor but this is soo integral to my business - its even harder when I'm not totally sure what I'm looking for! Ishkey I like where your going with this design but was hoping to have my name stand out a little more - I like the graphics they seem like a great start for classy but could we kinda tone them down some? Make it more dainty maybe? That is NOT something I would usually say but that seems to be what comes to mind when I first see it - on another note at the same time CynthiaJWang I like the last idea best with the kind of abstract camera but I don't know that it is quite what I'm looking for. I guess the problem is that I don't want the image to take to much away from my picture that it'll be the watermark for - but at the same time I want it to stick out on a business card. Does any of that make sense? Thank you soo much for helping and I really could use any and all advice and help I can get!
  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Can't figure out why your posts were being deleted, it wasn't on the server side but it looks like you are now able to post.

    "but was hoping to have my name stand out a little more"

    Hard to get that font you like to stand out more. What I posted was your name layered 3 times. I appreciate the fact you think it looks classy but not your style.
    I'll give it one more shot but thinking this is up cynthiajwang's alley.

    Not sure if this what you mean by dainty or not.


    Cute kid if I say so myself, but then Grandpa's are like that.
    Say hi to everyone - Gabriella
  7. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    I'll give it another go soon; this week's a bit crazy for me - lots of babysitting, job shadow, and celebrating my 20th birthday with my family :)

    ishkey - i LOVE the viney/leafy and bird image you made. SO pretty!! :)
  8. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Here are another few; let me know if I'm heading in the right or wrong direction. I used the fonts that you requested as well, so let me know if you like these fonts or the fonts I used in the previous designs!

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    • 006.jpg
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    • 10.jpg
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  9. missk226

    missk226 New Member

    Thank you so much for you time Ishkey I just don't think that is what I'm looking for - I love the design its just not for me but thank you! By the way adorable picture Gabriella is super cute!!
    Cynthia thank you so much - I know how it is balancing a crazy life but you two taking the time to help me is so great! I love the last logo that is what I'm looking for! Can we make the photography darker?

    Thanks again both of you for all your help it is greatly appreciated!!
  10. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Understandable missk226, that it is not for you but glad you liked the design.
    cynthiajwang, I am sure will take care of your logo.
    Yep that Gabby is a cutie and loves to laugh, smile all the time.
    I'll post the viney/leafy bird image in The VIP Area for you cynthiajwang.
  11. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Ishkey - lol, thanks :p

    missk226 - is this dark enough?

    Attached Files:

  12. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Hey - just wondering - did you still want the logo? It's been like two weeks since I posted this for you...
  13. missk226

    missk226 New Member

    Hi Cynthia, I apologize I've just started back at my day job (being a high-school teacher) after maternity leave and my life has amp-ed into the crazy! Thank you so much for your help and I love the logo and yes I still want it!
  14. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    So, is this logo exactly what you want? I'll put together a zip file with it as a .jpg and a .tiff for you if so.
  15. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Hey, it's been a few weeks, and I was wondering if you wanted the logo - I wanted to make sure that the last logo that I posted is exactly what you want, and I was also wondering what file types you wanted...
  16. missk226

    missk226 New Member

    Hi Cynthia, sorry I thought you needed time to put the logos in a file for me but yes this is exactly what I want thank you so much for your help!!
  17. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    No, it's fine. I'm glad we had that misunderstanding cleared up - here you go!

    Attached Files:

  18. Cynthia....I love your work. Hope you have time to stop by post and give me some ideas....thanks
  19. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    AP - thanks for the shout out! Sorry, I just finished up all of my finals, and I'd love to help you out - I actually just posted an idea for you :)
  20. I absolutely love pic 2. Can I get this for with the name Aumunique Photography with pink in place of the turquoise??? I would really appreciate it. Thank u
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